Dealing with Stress During a Layoff

For many of us our job is one of the most important and valued things we have in our lives. It tells those around us who we are and what we have accomplished. Let’s face it. We spend more time at work than we do with our immediate family members. Our co-workers become our second family and often bonds are formed for lifetimes. Our daily contributions and accomplishments at work give us the motivation we need to feel successful. But then…… Continue reading “Dealing with Stress During a Layoff”

Give me a Twinkie, I lost my job

So you are jobless and find yourself gaining weight. Most likely it’s from those late night internet job searches followed by a pint of your favorite Blue Bell ice cream. You think about going to the gym tomorrow to do something about it, but you wake up at 11:00 am the next day and find your gym membership is cancelled. Sound familiar?

Well guess what my friend, you are not alone.
Continue reading “Give me a Twinkie, I lost my job”

Keys to Unlocking a Lockout

will-s-0209The NFL is currently facing one of its longest work stoppages ever, as players and owners continue their incendiary dispute as to how they should split up nine billion dollars. When players reported for off-season workouts and practices, the owners took legal action, barring them from the facilities. As things currently sit between both parties, no immediate resolution appears likely. Continue reading “Keys to Unlocking a Lockout”

Too Close for Comfort

will-s-0209 Although recent labor reports indicate that overall job losses have slowed, what is your best course of action if your office is still in layoff mode and your own employment status might suddenly be in jeopardy? Welcome to the new world of employment uncertainty.

Your immediate reaction and proper preparation could significantly shorten your length of unemployment if bad news does arrive. Many people go through a short period of relief after learning that they have managed to hang onto their own job when those around them have been let go. But eventually, those feelings can morph into sadness, anxiety or even guilt. Some co-workers in your office might opt to explore other jobs in order preempt the next round of pink slips. What should you do? Continue reading “Too Close for Comfort”