Falling in Love with Your Job

Photo 57 (2)In tribute to Valentine’s Day and Cupid’s arrow, I’d like to share with you my “first job after college” story.

After graduating, too exhausted to find work, I took three weeks off to sleep and travel!

It was the early 80’s, and many of my friends moved to other cities for work. Houston’s labor market was over-saturated at the time and offered few Graphic Design opportunities. Stubbornly I decided to stay put and make it work.
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Redefining Success

Educating with Common Sense
As a parent of teenagers, I have bought into the mindset that my children MUST go to college in order to be “successful” and get a good job. As a well educated professional that is up to my eyeballs in student loan debt, I am not so sure that mindset is valid. And as a workforce development professional that understands the overwhelming need for technical skills in today’s business world, I know it is time for my “mom mindset” to catch up with the times. 🙂
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Happy CTE Month!

Career Readiness Begins With the Business Need

Wait. You don’t know what CTE is? CTE is Career and Technical Education and it is the future of workforce preparation. CTE is the P-16 (that would be Pre-K through College) preparation targeting workforce skills. CTE can include college readiness in the truly academic sense; or, it most frequently refers to courses teaching workforce skills in a specific industry or occupation. CTE courses are available in any occupational field from culinary arts (yum, cake!) to auto repair.
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I’ve Graduted From College – Now What? Pt 2

Congratulations Graduate, you finally got that degree. Great job, you’ve worked really hard! Now you have a lot of time on your hands to look for a job. In my previous article, I talked about the importance of creating a list of all your skills, practicing your elevator speech in response to “tell me about yourself”, and using your skills and information about yourself to customize a resume. Now I’d like to give you a list of job search do’s and don’ts: Continue reading “I’ve Graduted From College – Now What? Pt 2”