Falling in Love with Your Job

Photo 57 (2)In tribute to Valentine’s Day and Cupid’s arrow, I’d like to share with you my “first job after college” story.

After graduating, too exhausted to find work, I took three weeks off to sleep and travel!

It was the early 80’s, and many of my friends moved to other cities for work. Houston’s labor market was over-saturated at the time and offered few Graphic Design opportunities. Stubbornly I decided to stay put and make it work.
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Redefining Success

Educating with Common Sense
As a parent of teenagers, I have bought into the mindset that my children MUST go to college in order to be “successful” and get a good job. As a well educated professional that is up to my eyeballs in student loan debt, I am not so sure that mindset is valid. And as a workforce development professional that understands the overwhelming need for technical skills in today’s business world, I know it is time for my “mom mindset” to catch up with the times. 🙂
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I’ve graduated from college – now what?

This summer I received several requests from different friends of mine, wondering if I would work with their new college grad niece or nephew. I am always happy to assist individuals who are ready and willing to start a new career. I was very fortunate to work with a couple of young people who were motivated to find jobs and get started on the next phase of their lives. What I learned from working with them was that college might not equip everyone with the tools that they need to look for work. All that money that was spent on the education helped them become experts in their field, but didn’t necessarily give them what they needed to take the next step of finding a job. Below are some of the things I learned from my own experience and working with new college grads:
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Career Clusters Illuminate Learning and Earning

Workforce SolutionsYou may have heard the term “Career Clusters” and wondered what it is. Career Clusters is a college and career readiness initiative that groups similar occupation types and helps prepare students for their career of choice. The Career Cluster Initiative began in 1996 and brought education and industry training together so students could graduate with the job-ready skills needed to compete in the workforce. There are 16 different clusters that students can explore based on their own interests and aptitudes. In some cases, students can even take a personality test to see which cluster appeals most to them.
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