A Good ‘CAR’ Goes Far

Workforce SolutionsIn an interview, knowing how to describe your abilities sharply and thoroughly can make a big difference in landing a job. Employers of all kinds like result-oriented people who know how to save time and money.

This is where you chronicle your CARs (Challenges, Actions, Results) at previous jobs. Articulate a prior workplace challenge like an outdated, inefficient order processing system. Follow with your responsive actions to that challenge such as created and implemented a new data system with Microsoft Access and then end with the results – reducing lost orders by 60%. Using this technique could make the difference in nailing that interviews.

If you’ve ever had difficulty describing job accomplishments, there are some remedies to consider, such as:

1) Attend some of the job search skills seminars offered by Workforce Solutions. You’re bound to find a few workshops providing clear and simple tips and activities to build confidence in marketing yourself and your skills to employers.

2) Make a list. Think of everything you ever accomplished that you feel good about and make a list; there’s no need to stick solely to job-based successes. Occasionally, your greatest accomplishments are away from the workplace — i.e., managing time and money, handling an emergency, raising children, maintaining transportation, and so forth. In short, you can speak confidently as soon as you realize your accomplishments away from work often can contribute to how well you resolve problems at work.

3) Brainstorm — Talk to people who know you and those who have worked with you; put together a list of awards, recognition, or any unsung successes that may have been overlooked by a boss, but remain recognized and remembered by you and co-workers.

4) Pride takes Practice! Many of us assume speaking confidently about ourselves will be seen as bragging or exaggerating. Do not be overly modest. Next time you’re in a bookstore, notice how much self-praise some authors give right on the front covers of their autobiographies.

Your job search campaign is meant to market and advertise your value to employers. Confidently stating your accomplishments is one way to make that happen.

Bobi Cook is a Regional Facilitator for Workforce Solutions in the Houston – Galveston area. Bobi has an MBA and over ten cumulative years experience as quality assurance developer within the automotive industry, a small business administrator, and professional educator. She currently utilizes these skills to help job seekers develop and implement successful job search campaigns conducting seminars throughout the 13 county region.

Author: Blogforce

Workforce Solutions provides comprehensive human resource services for businesses and residents of the 13-county Houston-Galveston Gulf Coast region. Workforce Solutions helps employers solve workforce-related business problems and area residents build careers, so that both can better compete in the changing worldwide economy. Our Employer Service Division provides personalized service to help employers find qualified applicants for their jobs, build the skills and expertise of their new and current employees, and address human resource needs. We operate multiple community-based career offices in 13 Texas Gulf Coast counties to help residents get a job, keep a job or get a better job – offering placement, career counseling and financial aid services. We partner with the region’s businesses, educational institutions, civic organizations and community leaders to find solutions to current and future labor needs of industries that are vital to the region and its economy.