Job Hunting Tips and Tricks

Velta WorleyLabor Day is a day set aside to celebrate the achievement the American worker has made toward strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Workforce Solutions celebrates labor day every day by helping you find a job, keep a job, or get a better job! “What’s that you say: FIND a job?” Continue reading “Job Hunting Tips and Tricks”

Give More, Get More?

Cornelius BookerUniversity of British Columbia professor Elizabeth Dunn recently spoke during a T.E.D Talk about the idea of how giving will increase someone’s happiness. I thought about the idea for a minute and realized that monetary giving can be rewarding, but giving of your time can be just as rewarding. Often, when we think about giving we think about our financial situation and whether we can afford to give. I have never seen anyone on the corner with a sign asking for time instead of money, simply because money is the commodity that most people value. Continue reading “Give More, Get More?”

A Vibrant Time for your Success

The Fourth of July is a vibrant time during the summer when families unite to celebrate the birth of a country. And it’s not just any country, but in my opinion the best country in the world: The United States of America! One aspect regarding America’s greatness is its ability to establish policies that support America’s workers. Continue reading “A Vibrant Time for your Success”